Our carbon commitment
Commons represent 8% of the landmass of Wales and 3% of England. These are some of our most loved and treasured open spaces from Snowdonia National Park, Brecon Beacons, Bodmin Moor to the Chilterns and Epping Forest.
The commons on which we work are recognised as being important providers of ecosystem services, that is providing a function that sustains life, from peat land as carbon sinks to upland habitats controlling flooding.
As a business we are determined that the work we do does not contribute to atmospheric carbon. We aim to minimise our impact on the planet and to be as sustainable as possible in our activities.
Our aim is to be a carbon neutral environmental delivery company by 2015 from recycling arisings, composting invasive species, managing waste to an ethical purchasing policy.
We will support 1% for The Planet and we will work to ensure that the carbon we offset is genuinely measurable and contributes to projects that directly support the planet.