Welcome to Commons Vision

For common land consultancy, landscape, habitat and ecosystem services.

Our aim is to provide practical solutions to common land and ecological issues through our consultation, ecological, legal, management and environmental services.   We provide a first class service to our broad client base of commoners, local authorities, national charities, statutory organisations and government in engaging with and delivering works on commons.

Our ethos is an ecosystem based approach to our projects working with the natural environment to sustain those systems which support our needs, culturally, ecologically and societally.  We aim to ensure that our impact in delivering works is measurable and appropriate to the needs of the landscape, people, habitats and species concerned.

Bracken Control

Bracken is a problematic species for grazing and the management of sites for nature conservation. We offer a number of different techniques for the control of this species.


Now is the time to be managing your bracken.

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Fire Management

Fire is a tool traditionally used to manage rough grassland and heathland, control disease, and reinvigorate grassland for grazing.


We work in a number of different areas supporting graziers, fire service, landowners and statutory conservation organistations

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Our areas of work